
Showing posts from November, 2012

Bind the Events to the Dynamically Created Rows in a HTML Table

I found a solution to bind the events to the dynamically created buttons in a HTML.Some times we need to add a row to the existing HTML table with some inputs.That dynamically created row is not visible in the page source.Try It ! So to attach the events also we need to do like this var newRow = " <tr> <td></td> <td><input type='text' id='tbNameDyn'/></td> <td> <input type='text' id='tbAgeDyn'/>< /td> <td><input type='checkbox' id='tbResultDyn'/></td> <td > <input type='submit' name='submitButton' value='Save Row' id='btnSaveRowDyn' onclick='DynButtonClick();'> </td></tr> " ; // $('#webgrid > tbody:last'). $ ( '#webgrid tbody:last' ) . append ( newRow ) ; Here I have binded the button with the event "onClick" function "

Make the Textbox as Label using CSS

This is a simple tip to make the textbox as label in the Web Pages.We need to just add a simple CSS to the input text.See code snippet . textboxAslabel { border : none ; background-color : # FFF ; border-color : # FFF ; } Here I have mentioned the background-color and border-color as "white".In my application the background-color is white.So according to your background-color change it.Now Apply that to the textbox.See this Image

Single to handle multiple "Submit" button Clicks in MVC3 Razor View

Last week, I have faced a problem on handling the multiple "Submit"   buttons clicks in a View.I am not very good at MVC3 but I want to share my experience so that others can find some solution regarding this problem. Suppose we have many Submit buttons in a View where we want to handle the different functions. In the Controller of the We need to write the Code for different submit buttons as given below [ AcceptVerbs ( HttpVerbs . Post ) ] public ActionResult FormActions ( string submitButton ) { switch ( submitButton . ToLower ( ) ) { case " click to know date " : this . SetNotification ( DateTime . Now . Date . ToString ( " dd-MMM-yyyy " ) ,   NotificationEnumeration . Success , true ) ; return View ( " index " ) ; break ; case " click to know time " :